Go Mobile: Rethinking Your Trade Show Spend

Think back to the majority of trade shows you’ve been to: the noise, fighting for attendees’ attention, low quality interactions, the frustration. Trade shows, it seems, are a necessary evil when it comes to B2B business, however they can be costly with little to no returns. Mobile marketing tours are an enticing alternative if you're looking to save big, create more one-on-one engagement, and reduce your trade show appearances.

Like most companies, you’re not made out of money so finding ways to stretch a budget is important. We’ve all had jaw-dropping moments when our actual trade show expenses rolled in and realized the return on investment was way too low. The trade show is over and you’ve spent your budget, so now what?

Many companies have turned to mobile marketing tours to maximize their trade show budgets and spending. Creating a branded mobile vehicle not only makes for an eye-catching trade show exhibit, but allows companies to travel afterward to prospective clients. This not only allows you to re-purpose show exhibitory items, it also can reduce trade show appearances overall. Rather than spending your budget on a booth, you can take your mobile vehicle and create your own tour. A mobile tour also allows you to reach customers that are not longer attending trade shows, allowing for even more brand exposure and potential sales. 

A mobile marketing tour is an exciting alternative to trade shows that provide greater flexibility and a platform from which to sell all year long.


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