Mobile Tour: How to Influence Public Policy
If your organization is looking to influence public policy, a mobile outreach tour can help you achieve your goals. For example, mobile can better help your organization raise donations, gain volunteers and raise more general awareness about your policy by reaching a wide range of people from all demographics.
Whether you want to breathe new life into an existing public policy campaign or rev up a new one, leveraging your mobile tour is an excellent way to meet your objectives. For one thing, your mobile exhibits can bring your messaging to life, immersing your visitors in your mission from the moment they step into your vehicle. A fully immersive and unique experience can not only lead to a more comprehensive understanding of your goal, it can lead to influencing a visitor’s point of view. Overall this can lead to advocacy, support for your mission, and donations.
If you are looking to more volunteers to help with canvassing and policy awareness missions, a mobile tour can be an efficient recruiting tool. Your mobile exhibit can travel anywhere, including to your target demographics and key markets. This convenience allows your messaging to reach more potential volunteers or advocates as you are traveling directly to where they work, live and play. Gain more volunteers while also possibly creating more supporters along the way.
Lastly, a mobile tour is a great way to better engage your audiences with your public policy mission by interacting with potential supporters on a deeper level. Reading about your cause on a website may not get the reader motivated to get off the sidelines and support your mission. Whether it be volunteering or giving a donation, this one-on-one engagement will increase the likelihood of actually motivating visitors to get involved. A mobile tour allows for your organization to interact with each visitor in a meaningful and impactful way leading to more supporters.