Real Connections: The Importance of Brand Ambassadors

A mobile marketing tour can provide consumer brands with endless benefits-increased reach and awareness, impactful impressions, and improved brand loyalty, just to name a few. However, one major area that often gets overlooked is staffing your tour with the right brand ambassadors to ensure visitors are walking away educated and connected.

Your mobile tour staffers are the face of your event, meaning they can help set the tone from the moment visitors step onboard. It is important that they are knowledgeable, friendly, and are suited for your event type. Depending on your experience and schedule, you may want to find ambassadors that are bilingual, have industry experience, etc. so that you are ensuring they are the right fit for your tour and brand. Ensure they are trained on not only your brand story, but how your products work, the solutions they provide and any FAQ’s and talking points you want to share with audiences.

While your mobile experience does a lot of the work when it comes to showcasing your products, you can’t fully rely on it to convey everything you want to share. Your ambassador team should be stationed throughout your tour vehicle to help walk visitors through the experience, answer any questions, take down feedback and provide any additional information visitors may need. These quality one-on-one interactions not only make visitors feel heard by your brand, but also goes a long way in creating lasting connections and positive brand sentiments. Visitors will walk away from your experience with a better understanding of your brand and products and how they can work for them in the future.


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