On the Road: DIA Away: Think Like an Artist
A pillar in the art museum community and fixture in the Detroit area for over a century, the DIA partnered with MRA to translate the storied museum into a mobile environment. The Detroit Institute of Arts' "DIA Away: Think Like an Artist"extends the museums' reach beyond the walls of their brick-and-mortar location. The tour exposes guests to the intricacies of the creative process through digital and tactile interactives. Guests receive a deeper understanding of how the creative process impacts everyday problem solving.
The 53’ custom double-expandable trailer features a closer look into many works of art located in the DIA. The tour is traveled to schools to show visitors the intricacies of the creative process, and inspire them to use creative thinking in their everyday lives. This five year mobile tour has recently come to an end and MRA thanks the DIA for allowing us to be their preferred vendor for such an educational and inspiring tour.