Reach More Potential Customers with Mobile

Whether a CPG brand or a small startup retailer, many companies are looking for new and unique ways to expose potential buyers to their products. A mobile tour is an exciting way to deliver a highly customized visitor brand experience that reaches potential new customers on a one-to-one basis. Here are four factors to consider when developing a consumer mobile tour:

Identify key markets. A mobile tour offers major flexibility and can travel virtually anywhere, providing the opportunity to reach more people and create lasting bonds. By understanding audience behaviors, profiles, and habits you can get your vehicle in the front of the right people, in the right locations and key markets ensuring more sales and awareness for your brand and products.

Be unexpected. Popping up in an unusual place is guaranteed to pique the curiosity of potential customers. The surprising nature of your mobile tour appearing in their environment will lend itself to an experimental attitude, encouraging people to engage with your product and learn more about your brand.

Tell your brand’s story in a relatable way. Use elements such as first-person storytelling, photography, or gaming to introduce customers to your brand. Be as dynamic as possible to leave a lasting connection and remain memorable when it comes time for a purchase decision.

Be a social butterfly. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most valuable sales tools around. Incorporating social media into your tours allows visitors to share their experiences and endorse your product, extending your event beyond your vehicle walls. Develop interactives that encourage guests to share and introduce the brand in social conversation directly from your space and straight to their social channels.


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