That’s a Wrap!

When it comes to mobile marketing and tour vehicle development, one element often underutilized is the exterior real estate for brand messaging.  For reasons that initially seem quite logical, the interior experience is every marketer’s primary concern. However, many miss out on a golden opportunity: to generate awareness by way of a traveling Billboard Effect that reaches hundreds of thousands who are exposed to the mobile unit while in transit and on location.

Utilize your mobile tour vehicles’ large exterior as a flexible canvas that can feature not only eye-catching designs but also hashtags, interactive codes and more to showcase your brand, products, and services. Trailers with striking graphics not only get noticed more when on site at events, but also increase impressions while during over-the-road travel.

The number of impressions that can be made by such a truck is only limited by the amount of time you choose to have it on the road. Many perceive these traveling impressions as somehow less impactful; however, they are quite the opposite. It has been found that truck-side advertising can generate twice the amount of attention than those on a static billboard. Mobile billboards that feature unique and exciting graphics can help garner local and national media attention as well, increasing your overall total brand exposure and reach. 


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