Better Performance: Don’t Skip Promotion
You’re taking your consumer brand on the road, created your mobile tour experience, designed and built a tour vehicle, scheduled events and it’s now time to launch. You may think your to-do list is complete, however creating an effective promotion plan is essential to encouraging potential customers to attend your events and securing the best possible media coverage. Here are few tips and strategies on how to create a valuable promotion plan for your tour:
Editorial Calendar: Use your tour schedule to help develop your PR editorial calendar and which media contacts to target in the area. This can create buzz pre- and post-event depending on the publication.
Content Creation: Preplan your content by creating templates for emails, press releases, social media posts and collateral so that it is quick and easy to push information out. All content about your tour should be easy to identify with consistent branding.
Press Releases: Drum up exposure by creating interesting press releases that capture the essence of your tour, including exciting imagery and interesting copy. When targeting publications, take into consideration the beat, location, and demographic a journalist covers, making it more likely to be published, putting your tour in front of more audiences.
Social Media: Social media can be a very versatile and effective tool when it comes to promoting your tour and reaching more potential attendees. Share your published press releases, create Facebook events for each tour stop, share event photos, post tour specific content and more. Create ad campaigns that specifically target those consumers who most connect to your campaign based on interests, location, demographics, etc.