Three Ways to Improve Your Mobile Development Program

As most development officers are aware, it can be much more impactful to directly explain to potential supporters exactly how their resources will be spent and utilized within an organization. A mobile marketing vehicle can be invaluable to your development team. The flexibility of a mobile tour allows for more accessibility and convenience, expanding your reach substantially. Here are just three ways to use a mobile tour as a tool for better resource development:

Lunch and Learns: Take your mobile tour to volunteer groups or corporate partners with potential supporters. During their lunch hour, they can visit the trailer for a quick and easy informational session about how to get involved with your organization. It’s a great way to answer questions and emphasize why you need their support. Whether you throw in lunch to increase attendance or have them brown bag it, they’ll be happy to learn about your cause and how they can help.

Corporate Partnerships: Visit potential funders in a custom mobile vehicle. They’ll see the work you do firsthand and be able to better grasp just why they should support your mission. You’ll get your important face time so your organization can stay top of mind.

Hospitality: Once you’ve recruited your donors and supporters, it’s important to let them know you’re appreciative. A mobile hospitality vehicle is a great way to do so. You can create a custom event that has a VIP feeling and surrounds them with brand messaging that reinforces their decision and strengthens their bonds.


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