Think Mobile for 2021
The end of 2020 is rapidly approaching, meaning it’s time to start finalizing your marketing plans. And no annual plan is complete without an impactful target market strategy. When planning for next year, consider a campaign that will not only create opportunities for meaningful consumer touches, but fosters both social and traditional public relations.
Whether your company already utilizes mobile or is considering it as a new approach, making a mobile tour the center of your plan creates a launching pad to leverage your communication strategy. A mobile tour with the right visitor experience, online presence, and branding is a powerful conduit for storytelling. Along with social media overlays and consumer promotions, utilize event venue relationships to further create buzz, reaching even more potential consumers.
Making a mobile tour the core of your plan adds an exciting element to consumer engagement. It gives visitors a new environment in which to interact with your brand and learn more about your product in a way that lends to better bonding experiences. And, tying a mobile visitor experience directly to sales by executing store level shopper marketing events will lead to greater lifts in sales and increased overall ROI.