Tips to Better Brand Sponsorship
With over 25% of overall marketing, advertising and promotional budgets spent on sponsorships, it is imperative to properly leverage the investment. Without an activation or leverage plan, your sponsors’ results will be minimal.
A good sponsorship should make for an excellent push-pull marketing strategy. Not only are they effective in increasing target audience and trade excitement but can be a powerful tool to drive product sell-through and increasing household penetration.
Here are a few tips in generating a bigger in-market buzz for your brand’s sponsorship utilizing mobile experiential marketing:
Finding the Right Fit: Don’t be gratuitous. Avoid the temptation of choosing a sponsor simply because the person or entity is trending on Twitter. Pick relationships that fit your brand personality and brand communication objectives. Someone or something that consumers can not only easily associate with your brand but will add perceived value and lend equity.
Integrate Your Brand: Once you have found the right sponsorship, find unique ways to fully integrate your brand. A properly planned mobile experience will allow your audience to not only bond with your brand but should also transfer any brand equity owned by the sponsor partner to your brand.
Visitor Engagement: Utilize interactives, whether touch-screen technologies, microsites, onboard kiosks, games or giveaways, offer ways for visitors to engage in the partnership and take away something to reinforce the experience.