Three Keys to Establishing the Right Metrics
For any type of mobile tour, capturing metrics is critical when it comes to understanding the performance of each event and your tour overall. Often, we may feel the need to capture as much information as possible. However, when trying to collect too much data your efforts are stretched too thin, increasing the likelihood of vagueness in the analytics that really matter. Here are few tips on how to establish the right metrics for a successful mobile tour.
Only obtain information you know you are going to use. It’s important to focus on gathering information that provides insight into your tour’s success and points to whether or not you’re meeting goals. Knowing if your visitors spend time on your brand website might be a juicy nugget of information, but if that bit of information is not relevant to your event’s objective, don't ask the question. Staying focused with your data gathering will yield more valid and useful findings.
Keep it short and sweet. Keep in mind that attendees are here to experience your event, not to fill out survey after survey. You don’t want to be intrusive to the point of impeding the experience you’ve invested to create. This will only skew your data and, more critically, be detrimental to your brand-building efforts. Find ways to gather visitor feedback in a less obvious manner by using convenient interactive technologies.
Prioritize your metrics. If you could only learn one thing about the performance of your event, what would that be? Identify your points of interest or goals and then try to narrow them down to the top 5-10 you want to focus on. Then decide on your research methodology. Weed, as necessary. Going through this process will help you focus your research efforts and deliver more actionable results.