Three Keys to a Stronger School Partnership
With current challenges like lower capacity and volume rules and restrictions, museums are having to get creative when it comes to continuing educational programs for students. One solution is to create a mobile outreach tour that can travel directly to schools. Here are three keys to greater success in securing and developing better school outreach events:
Research the Curriculum: Knowing your audience is always important but demonstrating that you know the students and the national curriculum can be key in convincing schools that your exhibit will enhance their learning experience.
Extend the Experience: Before you arrive at the school, send supplemental activities that can be used before and after the event. One option is to create a website that engages students in conversation, brainstorming, or activities related to your exhibit. Schools will be much more interested in a relationship with your museum if they see that its value extends beyond the trailer walls.
Invite Decision Makers: Convincing community influencers that they should support the school-museum relationship can be vital to the success of your efforts. If you want to demonstrate the true impact of your exhibit, invite school board members, administrators, and the superintendent to the event and allow the students to speak for themselves. Provide opportunities for the students to be heard, as they have an important and powerful voice. The new insight they have gained will demonstrate the true value of the relationship and potentially turn these influential attendees into advocates for your museum.