Facing Increased Budget Limitations? Benefits of Leasing a Mobile Vehicle
Before developing your tour concept, designing the exhibit, and mapping out your schedule, there’s one big decision to be made: are you going to buy or lease your vehicle? While purchasing your vehicle of choice means your company retains an asset and can still leave the day-to-day operations to MRA, there are also many perks to procuring a lease. Here are three benefits to an operational lease program with MRA:
Maintenance fees are covered. This means any costs associated with necessary repairs and wear and tear and preventive maintenance are automatically taken care of. There are no surprises, and all upkeep is immediately addressed.
Reduced front end costs. The bulk of any mobile program is usually at the front end of the process, however with a lease your start up costs are significantly lowered. Additionally, at the end of the tour, there’s no need to worry about storing or maintaining the trailer.
Amortize the upfit cost. One of the biggest hurdles of a mobile program is the upfit and design costs. Our lease with operations program allows you to spread those costs over a multi-year tour, alleviating a large upfront expenditure.