Free Publicity: Creating a Bigger Buzz

A mobile marketing tour can be essential when trying to build brand awareness and broaden your audience. From reaching more consumers through a well-crafted schedule to creating lasting relationships, a mobile tour has several awesome benefits for your company. On top of all that greatness, a mobile tour also can create free publicity and PR coverage that your brand desperately needs.

Mobile marketing tours are a great way to drum up some social media exposure. Not only can you post content about your tour from event photos and videos, to sweepstakes and announcements, your attendees will also want to share content on their pages. Creating a unique and interesting mobile tour vehicle and experience will cause visitors to take their own photos, creating free brand awareness for you. You can also capitalize on this even more by sharing your consumers’ posts, adding to your overall tour success.

The free PR doesn’t stop there. By creating an exciting tour vehicle and experience, as well as interesting tour stops, local newspapers, blog and broadcast media will take notice. This allows for your brand to be put in front of these publications’ entire audience of readers. If you want to take a more proactive approach, create interesting press releases that capture what your tour experience is all about, including exciting images, and reach out to publications in the area. You can use your tour schedule to help develop your PR editorial calendar and which media contacts to target in the area. This can create buzz pre-event and post event depending on the publication. Lastly, you can take your PR to the next level by sharing the articles published about your tour to your social media channels for even more awareness and content.


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