Make it Mobile: Vocational Classrooms

The core of vocational education training is “learning by doing,” meaning in order to build specific skill sets, students need the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the trade. A mobile classroom can be the perfect environment to provide students with hands-on learning that mirrors real world applications, in a fully immersive space. Here a few advantages of taking your vocational program mobile.

Interactive Learning: With traditional classroom settings, students spend significantly more time focusing on the “textbook” version of their trade. However, in a mobile vocational classroom, they can spend their time working on the practical and tangible skills that matter in their trade. Your mobile classroom can be fully customized into an immersive learning experience with digital and tactile interactives. Simulate real world applications with VR or AR, or even include actual specialized equipment that students can practice their skills on.

Reach More Students: Travel your classroom to diverse school districts and communities to provide resources for aspiring students that may not have access to vocational brick-and-mortar schools. Inspire students who may not have considered a trade career path by exposing them to the benefits and information.

Better Connections: A mobile vocational classroom can help connect students with knowledgeable teachers and people that work within their desired trade. Stationing trade experts onboard allows students to actively engage with the material, ask important questions, and get real insight into real world work experiences.


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