Breaking Through the Clutter: The Benefits of Mobile Experiential Marketing

Your brand is one of a kind, however your current marketing strategy may not be. Your competitors are everywhere, using similar tactics to attract and engage consumers. So the question is how can you be more original and break through the clutter? Experiential mobile marketing tours are a great way to engage one on one with consumers, create brand loyalty and awareness, and drive sales.

Experiential mobile marketing tours allow customers to experience your brand and products using all of their senses, leading to a more long lasting impression. Rather than just seeing your brand in a magazine ad or online, experiential events create interactive experiences that are memorable and interesting.

Your mobile marketing vehicle can transform into any environment you want, from a branded lounge for sampling to a colorful mock storefront for product displays. Creating an experience that personifies your brand versus static signage or ads provides consumers the opportunity to identify and bond with your message.

Taking your brand mobile also provides a chance to implement your product in high traffic areas and where your consumers live. This type of flexibility will broaden your reach, breaking through geographical barriers.

MRA’s partnership with Wild Turkey is a great example of a tasting room mobile marketing experience. The Wild Turkey Kindred Spirit tour focused on expanding their current tasting center experience. Traveling to different events all over the country, Wild Turkey was able to meet a variety of consumers and through tastings create brand awareness and loyalty. This is just one idea of what you can do on your mobile tour.

If you’re looking to stand out in the crowd, experiential marketing and a mobile tour should be on your short list this year!


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