Planning Season: Consider an Experiential Strategy
Planning season is here once again, meaning it’s time to start brainstorming new strategies for next year’s marketing plan. Of course, no campaign is complete without an impactful target strategy, so why not consider experiential mobile marketing? Here are a few reasons:
Reach Target Audiences: Experiential mobile tours excel in broadening your reach and allowing you to better target your audience. The provide the ability to narrow your focus and better hone on in your key players and decision makers, which is more important than ever. Being able to immerse visitors in brand messaging, at times and locations most convenient to them, makes experiential tours a very attractive selling tool.
Provide Personalized Experiences: Mobile tours can provide B2B brands a great deal of value, from product demos to showrooms and training spaces. They provide the opportunity to create a custom, personalized experience that lets visitors view products and services on a different level, usually with more interaction and engagement. These experiences can be tailored to fit your key players and decisions makers’ needs, sparking more interest in your brand and products.
Form Meaningful Relationships: The foundation of experiential marketing is human interaction and connections. A mobile tour provides a valuable opportunity to engage and create lasting relationships with potential clients. Much of this has to do with the ability to provide visitors with a one-on-one, personal experience. Roadshows offer clients a more focused view of your brand and products, the ability to ask questions and learn more from sales reps in real time, and more. All of this can help to leave a lasting impression on visitors’ minds, ultimately leading to long term engagement and potentially increased sales.