Congrats! Let's Celebrate with a Mobile Tour
You’ve worked hard to build your organization, so why not celebrate the milestones and accomplishments you’ve reached so far? A mobile celebration tour is a great way to share your exciting news with your current and potential supporters and to showcase your organization in a positive light.
A mobile celebration tour can travel to current supporters to update them on your organization successes and accomplishments. This can lead to supporter and volunteer retention, allowing visitors to see their hard work realized. This can also be used to thank your supporters for their continuous backing, which can also lead to retention and increasing moral.
While increasing retention rates, your mobile celebration tour can simultaneously reach new potential supporters. Your fully customized mobile vehicle can be entirely branded with your mission and organization’s goals and objectives, while promoting whatever you’re celebrating. Visitors that don’t know about your cause can learn more and see your success. They can also see how their support can help your organization reach future goals.
A mobile celebration tour is a great way to increase retention rates and reach new potential supporters, while also creating a fun environment to share your organization’s accomplishments and milestones so far!