Elevate Your Mobile Tour: With Tour Sites
When it comes to executing a successful mobile tour, companies are constantly looking for ways to elevate their program. Due to the “live” nature of the mobile events, one tool that seems obvious, but is often overlooked are the opportunities presented online. More specifically, highly successful tours often incorporate tour sites, micro sites, and social media sites into their tour execution to help increase attendance, spread awareness, and ensure their tour is as effective as possible.
Micro-Sites: Micro sites are generally used for internal communications. They are an easy and convenient way to make sure that your entire team is on the same page. Your site may include an event calendar, including travel and execution days, event details, such as point of contact and address, or even keep important documents.
Tour Sites: Creating a public website for your tour is an effective way to generate even more interest in your tour. The obvious use includes sharing event details, so that your potential customers know where you’ll be and when. But beyond that, including photos, virtual tours of your exhibit, and downloadable data collateral not only sparks interest, but also gives your customer some background information before visiting your mobile events.
Social Media Sites: Social media is a very versatile and effective tool when it comes to promoting your tour and encouraging potential clients to attend your events. Create tour specific content for your accounts or create crossover and link to various pages on your tour site. Your clients will want to share your posts with their connections, who you might otherwise be unable to reach. The viral capabilities of your tour’s social media sites are undeniable and will help to create an even stronger relationship between your brand and potential customers.