Connecting with Even the Toughest Consumer

The key point of experiential marketing is to connect with consumers face-to-face, one-on-one, in real life. No other marketing strategy provides this vital benefit, making experiential one of the top tactics for all types of brands. While experiential works wonders, there are still challenges when it comes connecting with specific kinds of consumers. Here are three types of consumers and how you can tailor your experiential strategy to better engage with them.

The Trendsetter: The trendsetter focuses on being ahead of the curve, on top of the newest products, in the know before anyone else. The challenge for marketers is how to present their brand and products in way that stands out among competitors. Trendsetters appreciate brands that push their marketing to limit, meaning experiential marketing is the perfect strategy to attract this type of consumer. However, to increase trendsetter engagements, you’ll need to ensure your activations include unique interactives, technologies, eye-catching designs, anything that makes your brand stand out as the next big thing.

The Anti-Mainstreamer: The anti-mainstreamer, or some would call them hipsters, enjoy being different and liking things that are undiscovered or not mainstream as the name suggests. They are a challenging group of consumers when it comes to marketing, but an important one as they can often be your most loyal customers. This demographic pride themselves on being the authority on whatever brands they choose, so one way to better engage is to seek out their expertise. Create a loyalty program or get their feedback during or post event to show you take their opinions seriously.

The Tried and Truer: The tried and truer is the type of consumer to find a brand name and stick to it. They aren’t impressed by the latest and greatest, fancy packaging or any frill, they will continually buy the same brand over and over. This makes it hard for you to break their loyalty pattern, even if your brand is a better solution for their needs. One way to convert this demographic is to engage with them using honest comparison. Create interactive displays within your experience that directly compare you and your competitors. Allow them to engage directly with your products through samples or product demonstrations so they can see the benefits for themselves.


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