Bring History to Life: Mobile Museums

Have a story too incredible to go untold? Tell it with a mobile exhibit, the perfect way to educate audiences outside of a museum. Mobile tours allow exhibits to travel, becoming available to audiences anywhere. Bring your learning experience to scheduled events or create an event of your own! Check out these key benefits of a mobile museum.

Experiential Exhibits: Mobile spaces are perfect for experiential learning, using the space to cultivate experiences for your visitors. Experiential learning creates lasting memories and deeper learning in audiences, while being fun and memorable.

Dynamic Displays: The visitor experience of a mobile tour can be tailored to fit any goal, but when it comes to a mobile museum, the display capabilities are unmatched. Exhibits displaying artifacts big or small will benefit from the reduced set-up time of a mobile tour. Many mobile tours also benefit from high-tech features such as interactive displays and virtual reality, bringing your story into the 21st century!


Tour Sites: Amplify Your Outreach Tour
Augmented Reality: Dimensionalize Your Mobile Tour
On the Road: Simon Wiesenthal Center Mobile Museum of Tolerance