Think Outside The Box: Pop-Up Outdoor Event

Mobile Marketing is a great way to connect with clients, but the capabilities are not confined to the interior of a trailer. A mobile tour can include much more, from custom entry-structures, speakers, and even outdoor seating for visitors to enjoy. Creating an outdoor environment elevates brand perception and adds new layers to the visitor experience. Here are just a few benefits an outdoor element could bring to your mobile tour!

Run the Show: Why compete for attention at an annual conference when you can hold your own event no matter the time or place? Create a conference of your own by bringing the experience directly to clients. By offering an outdoor escape from the office, offer value and capture the attention of your audience!

Layers of Perception: A mobile tour has limitless potential when it comes to design. This opportunity to communicate your brand goes beyond the web page and into the physical world, communicating values and voice through every aspect of the experience. The design elements of an outdoor seating environment allow visitors to appreciate your brand on a physical level, creating memories they wont soon forget!

COVID safe: Creating an outdoor environment allows visitors to be met with the same brand experience, but with more breathing room. In a world where COVID-19 safety is still a hot topic, considering every visitor’s concern for personal safety is a must. Enable conversations with key decision makers where everyone feels comfortable!


Is a Mobile Tour Right for You?
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