MRA Shares the Loss of a Dear Friend
We regret to inform our friends and followers of the passing of a dear friend, and long-time employee, Gordon Marks.
Surrounded by family, Gordon passed away peacefully this past weekend from complications due to the coronavirus.
Gordon, who personally has been a part of our industry for years, has worked at MRA with his wife Robin for almost a decade.
As MRA’s “Premier” drive team, and having taken the lead on countless programs, two things were always a certainty with Gordon and Robin:
Our clients developed an unbreakable attachment to them while touring and would demand they not be assigned to any program other than their own.
Their responsibilities in the field were done to an impossibly high standard – Gordon was the perpetual definition of “Above and Beyond."
Having developed so many sincere friendships both within and outside of our walls, the news of Gordon’s passing has been devastating and incredibly difficult to accept.
In spite of this, we’d like to recognize the amazing support and compassion provided to Robin from the employees of Hershey; Gordon and Robin’s current tour. Their assistance has truly been selfless.
In summary, our intention in writing this post was not to draft Gordon’s biography or list his personal and professional accomplishments, but only to convey to the world that we’ve lost one of our favorites.
We love you Gordon, and you’ll not only be remembered for the work you’ve done, but far more importantly, for the amazing person that you were.