Trade Level Promotions: Small Vehicle Mobile Tours

During these challenging times the shopping experience has changed, and brands must learn how to adapt. One solution to drive sales, encourage trials and increase visibility is to utilize a small vehicle mobile sampling experience for trade level promotions outside of store locations.

How consumers shop will be affected by the current health and safety guidelines in place for the foreseeable future. From traffic restrictions in stores, to reduced traffic flow in aisles and modified stores hours, in-store promotions are going to be much more challenging. A small vehicle sampling tour with the right protocols prior to store entry can be one way to combat these promotional restrictions.

Take your products directly to the consumer by choosing sites outside of grocery, hardware stores and more. Consumers can sample and interact product, creating lasting impressions at a critical point in their purchase decision process. This will help keep your brand and products top of mind and relevant while shopping.

If you’re looking for alternatives during this crisis to help promote sales at store level, consider mobile as a viable solution.


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