Location Planning and Scheduling: Making the Most of Your Events
So, you’ve nailed the visitor experience and brand messaging, now the question is where do you take it? For nonprofits looking to better engage with current and potential donors, volunteers, and advocates, it is vital to make sure your mobile tour is traveling to the right locations. Here are three factors to consider when planning your mobile outreach tour schedule.
Determine your anchor events. You’ll want to first consider your target locations, where are the people you want to reach and connect with the most? These tour stops should be the first events built into your schedule to ensure you hit all your key markets. The rest of your stops can be planned around these anchor events to avoid tacking back and forth throughout your tour.
Consider your footprint. When planning tour stop locations, it is important to consider the amount of space your experience will inhabit. Do you want to include a large exterior portion of your experience like tents, games, tables etc. or would you prefer visitors to have a fully interior walkthrough of the mobile vehicle? Knowing this information will make choosing venues easier in the long run as you will know exactly how much space your exhibit will need.
Bigger isn’t always better. Often organizations think the only way to ensure high attendance rates is to visit high volume festivals and big events. However, this isn’t always the case and it especially isn’t in the current climate. Larger events can do wonders for attendance; however, it can also detract from the quality of attendees and engagement and often your exhibit can get lost among other distractions. Creating smaller more intimate events, that feature just your organization can help you increase engagement with more interested attendees and have your event be just about your mission.