Increase Field Sales Buy-In: User-Friendly Scheduling Systems

Getting your sales team to support and utilize your mobile tour can make all the difference in the success of your program. You’re more likely to get your sales team’s participation and buy-in if you streamline the process and amount of time and effort it takes to schedule events. Systems like microsites, and mobile apps are the tools you should consider ensuring your mobile investment meets objectives. Here are three ways to make it simple:

A digital or web-based scheduling system provides a simple way for your sales team to schedule events. Systems like cloud-based microsites allow them to keep track of scheduled customer events, including all the logistical details, in one place.

Accessible from any smart device, an app is an excellent way for an on-the-go sales team to stay in the loop. Sales reps can start discussions to provide insight to each other and determine if any changes need to be made for future events. As a bonus, the social interaction factor will also go a long way to improving program performance by furthering a competitive spirit among team members.

By utilizing an operating company, like MRA, you can ensure your field sales team isn’t bogged down by the details and planning for and at each event location. MRA helps clients schedule events by creating a structure to gather requests from your team, get approvals based on performance criteria, authorize events, and issue run of shows to field sales. This streamlined coordination provides your team with all the necessary details and leads to efficient event day operations.


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