Omnichannel Mobile: Marketing’s Missing Piece

Omnichannel marketing has been a trending topic for years now, but what is it and how can it help grow your brand? In contrast to Multichannel marketing where marketing channels work independently to communicate with consumers, Omnichannel marketing focusses on creating seamless experience and communication across a variety of channels. Here are three ways mobile experiential marketing could help close the loop in your Omnichannel marketing strategy.

Product Preview: Omnichannel marketing includes an array of channels from brick-and-mortar to webpages, ads, and social media. Mobile bridges the gap, allowing customers to interact with products hands on miles from the nearest mall. Not only is this a branded experience, but also a point of sale, carrying buyers from pitch to purchase.

Versatile Visibility: One of the greatest advantages of mobile marketing is the ability for your brand to appear anywhere and everywhere. This increases visibility, keeping your brand top of mind and relevant. By aligning your brand with locations and events significant to your audience, you can be the first to deliver value.

Content Generator: A key component to any Omnichannel marketing strategy is social media. A mobile tour can serve as a cyclical marketing tool, generating experiences, sales, and earned media alike.


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