Experiential Events in a Pandemic World

COVD-19 has brought a new normal to events meaning we will have to adapt to a new landscape of purchasing behaviors. So, what does that mean for B2C brands that thrive on customer interactions? Here are some experiential event ideas that will help brands reengage with audiences in this new norm marketplace.

Trade Level Promotions: One way to reconnect and engage with consumers that are hesitant to interact with brands in a traditional brick and mortar retail setting is to utilize a mobile vehicle for trade level promotions. Take your products directly to the consumer by choosing sites outside of stores. This allows consumers to sample and interact with your product in a smaller, more controlled outdoor environment that will increase visitor comfort and confidence, while creating more lasting impressions for your brand and products. These benefits will likely lead to increased brand engagement and ultimately sales.

In Market Promotions: This new norm will increase the need to rethink consumers’ behaviors and how they now work and play. In marketing promotions are the perfect way to strategically target these areas and bring your brand and products to consumers with more guerilla marketing tactics. The flexibility of a mobile vehicle allows you to travel to parks, neighborhoods, and work locations, creating more brand visibility and audience reach. For example, Loctite’s Roadshow travels to various job sites to promote their construction products and interact with workers on the job.

Cause-Marketing: There are other uses for a mobile experiential vehicle, including giving back to your community and position your brand as a solutions provider. What solutions can your products or services offer? Or sponsor a goodwill initiative to give back to your community. One idea is to travel to hospitals and healthcare center to support your local frontline workers with free product or services. Your mobile goodwill campaign will not only help your community but can also position your brand to stay top of mind. 


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