Create a Bigger Splash and Extend Your Message With Your Mobile Exhibit

Experiential marketing is a powerful tool to bond brands with audiences. The immersive, interactive aspects of mobile experiential make it extremely effective in influencing hearts and minds. Understanding that, it would be a mistake to confine messaging within the exhibit walls. If you are looking to create a bigger splash and reach greater audiences, the following tactics will help take your mobile marketing tour to the next level.

Develop Affinity Relationships: Build relationships with organizations with complementary missions or common interests. These contacts may be better tied into the communities your exhibit is visiting, provide insight and assistance on event host locations, and offer a list of influencers to create a bigger buzz.

Utilize Social Media Outlets: If you haven’t already, create social media pages for your tour and allow it to reach a greater audience virally. Alert people of your events, share photos and videos of the experience, and provide opportunities to join the conversation or reconnect with individuals who have shown interest in your mission.

Choose Passionate Host Sites: A little diligence goes a long way when selecting a host site.  Look for groups/locations that share your passion about your mission. They’ll be far more likely to help promote the event and assist you in coordination and logistics.

Create Experiential Keepsakes: You’ve worked hard to create an experience that leaves the right impression, reinforce that by providing souvenirs that will continually remind participants of that experience.


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