After the Event: Measuring the Success of Your Mobile Tour

Before activating your mobile tour, you’ll want to clearly define and understand your tour goals. If your tour’s objective is to build customer loyalty, you’ll want to focus less on sales and more on the relationships you build. Keeping your measurement strategy simple can go a long way to guaranteeing you meet your specified goals. Here are three different approaches to capturing data: 
Observation: During your events, focus on what people are saying and doing. Make sure your sales team pays attention to client reactions of the event experience. Do they seem open to it? Are they enjoying themselves? Were sales members able to build valuable rapport with decision makers? Evaluate the level of attendee engagement to determine if your tour’s concept and experience are effective or need to be reassessed.
Monitor Sales Trends: Keep an eye on when consumers are buying. Off periods may dictate new route strategies based on seasonality.
Visitor Feedback: Whether you use email questionnaires post event or create a survey for attendees to complete before they leave, you’ll want to follow up with your clients for their response. Gaining visitor feedback about their experience will help you gain insight as to what’s working and what’s not.


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