Attracting Talent: Mobile Recruiting Tours

With heavy competition for the best college graduates each year, attracting top candidates for your company can be challenging.  Recruiting good talent now requires much more than simply posting a job online and looking through resumes. The approach needs to be more proactive, selling the value of working at your organization to recruit those who are best qualified.

A mobile recruiting tour allows you to not only travel to employment fairs and college campuses; it also directly exposes potential applicants to your culture and scope of work.  By taking your recruiting efforts mobile, you have total control over the environment in which you meet candidates. It can mirror your company atmosphere so they have an idea of what your company has to offer and the kind of experience they can expect.

No matter what venue you attend to attract talent, your recruitment tour will allow you to shed light on your company in a way that brochures or a visit to your website would not. They’ll get a feel for whether or not your organization’s values and personality match theirs, something that’s just as important as skill sets and experience. A mobile recruiting vehicle allows you to set up interviews with candidates on the spot and weed out anyone who’s unqualified. Ultimately, your company’s hiring process will become more time and cost effective, all while bringing in the best possible talent. 


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