Making the Most of a Mobile Museum
A mobile museum is a unique and exciting way to bring your exhibits directly to attendees’ backyards and allow them to interact with your museum in a more intimate and hands-on way. While mobile museums can provide numerous benefits, how do you make sure your outreach experience is up to par? Here are a few surefire ways to make the most of your traveling museum.
Think Modular: A common challenge when trying to distill a full museum into a traveling museum is trying to decide which pieces and exhibits should be featured. However, one solution is to modularize collections or subject matters. Meaning you can create more flexibility within your vehicle space by rotating exhibits throughout your tour. This allows for more market-specific exhibits, for example if your museum focuses on American history, you can customize your showcase for each event location.
Make it Interactive: A mobile tour vehicle can be completely transformed into a fully immersive experience that tells your museums story; however, you’ll want to ensure the space features multiple interactives to keep visitors engaged. Utilize technology, tablets and touchscreens, virtual reality, gaming and more to really make your experience stand out and help showcase your message in a unique and exciting way.
Schedule Smart: When planning your mobile museum tour route there is a lot to consider. Should you travel to schools, festivals, underserved communities, or all the above? The draw of a mobile museum is that it can travel practically anywhere, so you can really hit all your target locations just by scheduling smart. Travel to various school districts to bring your mobile exhibit right to the classroom, visit areas that may not have access to your brick-and-mortar location, and more!