Less Scrolling, More Engaging

The average consumer in the U.S. sees upwards of 5,000 ads per day, according to Forbes, which can lead to several challenges for brands from competition, dilution of message and more. This is especially prevalent in our current marketing climate where many brands have had to go completely digital with their strategies. So how can your brand break through the clutter online and stand out? With the reopening of many states, an experiential mobile tour may be the perfect solution for brands that are tired of fighting for ad space and looking to distinguish themselves from their competition.

Completely Immersive:  An experiential mobile tour allows consumers to experience your brand and products using all their senses in a fully immersive and branded environment. They are no longer just scrolling past your ads on their phones or clicking skip while watching a video online. A mobile tour takes the consumer out of their normal routine and drops them into an environment where they are surrounded by your brand. Your experiential tour vehicle can be transformed into a completely customized and branded space that will leave a memorable and lasting impression on visitors. This can also lead to more brand loyalty, sales, and long last connections with your consumers that a digital ad would struggle to achieve.

Live, Work and Play: A mobile tour also provides an opportunity to increase your audience reach and engagement in key markets, due to the flexibility they offer. While digital marketing is a great way to reach a larger number of consumers at once, it doesn’t always hit the mark in terms of engagement. A mobile tour, however, allows you to travel directly to where consumers live, work and play, bringing your brand and products directly to their doorsteps in an interactive way. Visitors who may not think twice about your digital ad, now can interact with your products in person outside their favorite grocery store or maybe even in their neighborhood! A mobile tour allows you to directly interact with consumers through real connections, reactions, and information from a more engaged and interested audience.

Sharing is Caring: While social media ads and promoted posts are viable option for many brands looking to promote their products, it can often times get lost in the shuffle as consumers don’t find it as engaging as original content. A mobile tour, however, offers the opportunity for even more social media exposure that won’t cost you a dime. Not only will you be able to use your tour event photos, videos, promotion etc. on your brand pages, but visitors will want to share their own experiences on their personal pages. By creating a cool and memorable experience, visitors will want to take photos and share them with their social circles. This can generate a large amount of word of mouth marketing for your brand leading to more brand awareness and possibly even more loyal customers.   


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