Mobile Live Studio: Product Demos and More

Mobile environments obviously provide a unique advantage of one-to-one engagement in a branded space for effective product demos and training. But, another application, especially when travel is being restricted or in areas under shelter-in-place orders, is live presentations broadcasted from your custom trailer space, in essence, a traveling live product studio.  Your mobile experiential studio can travel to your key sales representatives or SMEs to present from their respective locations increasing safety for both your team members and clients. 

Your mobile space can be adapted to include camera feeds, social media live steaming capabilities, video conferencing and more. Here are just a few applications for a mobile live product studio.

Virtual Tradeshow Booths: In a previous article we talked about how your tradeshow booth can seamlessly be converted into a mobile tour experience. You can create a fully branded environment to webcast presentations for product demos, announcements, etc. Sales representatives will have the opportunity to showcase products, how they work, benefits and more while engaging more one-on-one with customers.

Virtual Workshops: If the goal of your tour is to educate customers or employees on new products, procedures etc. your mobile tour vehicle can be the ideal place to create virtual workshop feeds. These feeds have an added benefit of being able to be recorded for participants looking to revisit certain aspects of the workshop or demos.

Virtual Innovation Briefing Centers: Our mobile tour vehicles are already the perfect environment for meeting with current and prospective clients. The space can be better utilized to speak about your company wide platforms and innovations. Reach more decision makers and continue to make impactful connections while in a fully branded environment.


Small Group Meetings with a Mobile Tour